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Articles of Agreement between T.J. Neely & Freedman Moses Norment contracting for the year eighteen hundred & sixty six with the following specifications.
Spec. 1st Said Moses has seven children & wife, two of whom are able to do some work on the farm whose ages are twelve & ten years of age.
Spec. 2nd I obligate myself to furnish said Moses & family sufficient land for him & his family to work in corn & cotton.  I am to furnish team, forage & everything thing necessary to cultivate & sow the crop also I am to furnish said Moses & family with bread & he is to furnish all other necessary provisions also clothing for self & family & pays his & their Drs. Bill. Said Moses obligates himself to cultivate his crop well & save it in due time & in good order for market & when sold or gathered I am to give him half of what he makes or half the proceeds.
Spec. 3rd  Said Moses obligates himself to devote his entire time to my interest when not necessarily engaged with his crop in doing any work that I may require of him on my premises, also he is to assist me in saving my wheat & oats when ready for cutting.  Said Moses' wife is to assist in milking & take her turn in cooking on Sabbath days with the other freed women on my place.  Said Moses & his boys are to assist me in making fires, feeding & taking care of all stock on my farm.
Spec. 4th  All dues from Moses for advancing provisions clothing & other things, he obligates to pay me what I pay for them, out of the first proceeds that his part of the crop sells for.
Thos J Neelly
Moses his X mark Norment
L R Irby
Thos.A [[Clock?]]