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Articles of agreement between J P Chambers and Jane Chambers for the year 1866, The said J P Chambers herby obligates himself to pay the said Jane Chambers seventy five dollars for her services and seventy five dollars for her son John, with this proviso, he being afflicted in the leg all the time that he loses from work with it, is to be deducted from his wages and she be at his expense while laid up, and twenty five dollars for her daughter Octavia for the said year 1866 and board them and find them house room and fuel and see that they have medical attention when necessary. She paying their own medical bills and furnishing their own clothing, they are to do good work for the said Chambers, be respectful to him and family and when they fail to do their duty and comply with this contract they shall be dismissed from said service at such remuneration as may be deemed right and proper under the circumstances.  Witness our hands & seals, this Dec the 30th 1865
Jas P Chambers (seal)
Jane her X mark Chambers (seal)

Wm M Sheckels
J M Mosler

Approved January 4th 1866
John D. Ussery agt RF&AL
by Jas G.W. Fenwick ast