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D  No 430
J.M. Mask
To Needham & others
Jany 6th 1866
Hardeman Co
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State of Tennessee
Hardeman County

Articles of agreement between J M Mask & Lila aged 47 years and Sam aged 18 years Freed Laborers (formerly in the employ of David Mc?) also Needam and his two Sons Thomas and Henry aged about 16 and 14 years Freed Laborers (Present in the employ of D.E. Warren) all of this state and county aforesaid. The terms of the agreement are as follows:  The said Freed Laborers are to labor on the farm of the said Mask and under his management and control for the present year and are to do good and faithful service and not absent themselves from labor without consent that they are to deduct from the proceeds of their labor all lost time that they are to remain at home alternate Sundays to attend to the necessary business that we will not wontenly destroy or burn any fencing rails or other property on the place, that we will be obedient and respectful to the said Mask and his family and that at the end of our service we will return all implements and tools committed to our care; for in consideration of which service the said Mask is to furnish each of the above described Laborer with comfortable quarters with the privilege of fuel