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State of Tennessee }
County of Hardeman }

Articles of agreement between A.D. Neilson of the 1st part and Hart Neilson & Dicy Neilson of the 2nd part said AD Neilson agrees to give Hart and wife the orchard field about 3 acres more or less to cultivate for the year 1866 for their services for the year. they making good hands  Hart to work on the farm under the directions of said AD Neilson and wife Dicy to cook, wash, and do every thing that she is able to do about the house. they are to clothe themselves and pay their Dr's Bill.

A. D. Neilson

C. M. Lambeth
J. G. W. Fenwick

Approved Jany 29th 1866
John Ussery agt R F & A L
By J. G. W. Fenwick Ast