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State of Tn }
Hardeman Cy }

Artickles of agreement between W H Todd of the first part & Wash Anderson, of the second. W H Todd to furnish Lands team tools all the team except one mule & furnish all the feede except for the mul  The Wash is furnish to cultivate the farm known as the W H Todd farm on Spring into for the year 1866 the above named freedman agree to cultivate the land aloted to him to furnish one mule & feede for same to gather the crop in due time & return team & tools to W H Todd at the close this year to Saty at home unless bussness calls them away & behave themselves well during said year & not to [[Scoble?]] his neighbores stock Witness our lands at office this Jan 4th 1866 
W H Todd
Wash Anderson 
{Levi Cheers

R L McNeier }
C M Hailey }

Jan 4th 1866