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State of Georgia
Green County
Articles of agreement between J S Robertson of the one part & Nathan Woodfin his family, Dicy, Squor & Joe and Famus Woodfin
Freedmen of color of the other part  
The said J.S. Robertson a citizen of the State of Tennesee Hardeman County having hired
The above named freedman of the State & County above named from now untill the Twenty fifth of December Eighteen hundred & Sixty Seven 
To which place said freedman agrees to go as laborer on farm, cook, House Servants and to perform such labor as the said J.S. Robertson or his agent may require of them and agrees to pay Nathan Woodfin and his family as aboved named  Four hundred and twenty dollars, James one hundred and sixty dollars

Furnish them with good and comfortable cabins, feed and each one 3½ lb of good bacon and one peck of corn meal per week and such vegetables as may be convenient

The said freedmen agrees to be controled by the said J.S.R. or his agent perform good and constant labor feed the stock, make fires be obedient respectful, rise by day work until night Loose no time from work except for meals Use no swearing, not to leave the premises without the permission of the said J.S.R. or his agent Our whole time belongs to the said J.S.R.
He is only to feed the hands that labor as above stated

Transcription Notes:
Famus or Famous WOODFIN is correct.