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His Majestys Ship Comus Sheerness

[[5 column table]]
|Week Days|M'th Days|Winds|No of Sig't|Remarks and Occurrences Oct 1814|
|Wednesday|26th|S.SW|   |AM/. Fresh breezes and Clear. Employ'd stowing the hold and setting the rigging. Rec'd provisions  PM/. Fresh breezes and Cloudy. Employ'd as above. Mdt. Same Weather|
|Thursday|27th|N.E.|   |AM/. Fresh breezes and Cloudy. a party of then employ'd at the sail loft setting the Sails and drawing Stores.  PM/. Fresh breezes and cloudy employ'd as above.  Mdt. Same Weather|
|Friday|28th|E.SE|   |AM/. Fresh breezes and fine. Employ'd stowing the Hold. Shifted 3 tons of Iron Ballast from the Forehold to the Afterhold. 
 PM/. Strong breezes with Rain. Employ'd as above Rec'd fresh beef.  Md't Same Weather|
|Saturday|29th|WSW|   |AM. Fresh breezes and clear. Employ'd regulating the Ships Company. Noon Same W.  PM/. Fresh breezes. Employed as above.  Md't. Fresh breezes and cloudy.
|Sunday|30th|N.E.|   |AM. Fresh breezes and cloudy. Completed with Water and stored the Hold. Noon Same Weather   PM/. Fresh breezes and cloudy. Same as above.  Md't. Strong Gales and Cloudy.
|Monday|31st|NE|   |AM/. Fresh breezes and Cloudy. a party employed at the Dockyard. Employed pointing the Cables and otherwise as Requested. Formed the Ship Lieutenant Graham.  PM/. Same W.  bent the Bower Cables. Employed as above.  Md't. Same Weather.
|Tuesday|1st Nov'r|N.E.|   |AM/. Fresh Gales & Cloudy. Emp'd as most requisite.  PM/. Same Weather Employed as above  Md't. Same Weather|
|Wednesday|2d|E.NE.|   |AM/. Fresh Gales and Cloudy. Employ'd at the dockyard and rounding the Cables.  PM/. Same W  rec'd a new cable. Employ'd splicing and stowing cable.  Mid't. Fresh Breezes & clear.|

His Majesty's Ship Comus. Sheerness.

[[5 column table]]
|Week Days|M'th Days|Winds|No of Sig't|Remarks and Occurrences Nov'r 1814|
|Thursday|3d|E.N.E.|   |AM/. Fresh breeses & Cloudy. received Provisions pr. Lighter. Sent empty casks & Bread bags away. Rec'd all the sails   bent the topsails. PM/. Same Weather  Employ'd as requisite.  Mid't Strong breeses.|

|Friday|4th|E.S.E.|   |AM/. Fresh breeses & Cloudy.  Employed getting the guns on board and mounting them.  bent the Courses.  PM/. Same Weather  Employ'd bending the small sails and otherwise as necessary.  Mid't Same W'r.|
|   |   |East.|   |   |

|Saturday|5th|E.S.E.|   |AM/. Fresh breeses with Rain  Employ'd clearing ship and otherwise as Requisite.  Noon Same Weather.  PM/. Same Weather  Employ'd as above.  Rec'd powder.  Mid't Fresh Gales.|

|Sunday|6th|W B S|   |AM/. Fresh breezes & fine  loosed sails to day.  Mustered Ship's Company by Ship's Books and read the Articles of War.  Noon Same Weather.  PM/. Same Weather.  furled sails. at Sunset down Top Gall't yards.  Mid't Same Weather.|

|Monday|7th|W.S.W.|   |AM/. Fresh breeses and fine Weather  Artificers employ'd about the Guns  Noon Same Weather.  PM/. Same W'r.  Employ'd drawing boats & rec'd Fresh beef  Mid't Same Weather.|

|Tuesday|8th|W.N.W|   |AM/. Fresh Breeses & Cloudy.  at 8, Shipped the Moorings and run out to little boat  9 came too in 6 1/2 fathoms.  Garrison Point W.S.W. Minster Church  S b E.  Moored ship. Came onboard Commissioner and paid the Company.  PM/. Same W'r  rec'd 10 tons of Water.  Sunset down Top Gall't yards.  Mid't Same W'r.|

|Wednesday|9th|W.N.W|   |AM/. Fresh breeses & Cloudy.  Employed clearing ship and as requisite.  PM/. Strong breeses and cloudy.  Employ'd as above.  Midn't Same Weather|

|Thursday|10th|W.NW|   |AM/. Strong Breeses & Cloudy.  Employ'd clearing ship for Sea  bent the sh[[?]]t cable.  Noon Same W'r.  PM/. Fresh breezes and Clear  Employ'd as above - Came on Board the Clerk of the Cheque and mustered the Ship's Company. Red'd a Pilot  Mid't Same Weather.|
|   |   |N. N.W|   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Sheerness is a town where they restocked and repaired ships. Bower is referring to something on the bow. Md't = Midnight W. or W'r = Weather * "d'o W." = Same Weather - means "Ditto".