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Mr. Curry: I am going to speak for only a few minutes. I came here two days late and I am thoroughly ashamed of myself, but I had to file a petition with the Civil Aeronautics Commission. I come as your employee and it is important that the Indians should have their own employees. All of us know that the best things that people can get, are the things they get for themselves. The benefits that are obtained as favors and gifts are empty. The Indians in this Congress are making a good beginning toward realizing that. This organization should run its own affairs, pay iws [[its]] own expenses and not depend on  favors from someone.


Wm Firethunder: We have decided to take up special individual problems because some of the delegates will ha ve [[have]] to leave this afternoon.


Motion was made to continue discussion of Claims bill. But D'Arcy made the motion that discussion of the bill be closed  at this time. Rev. Pickup seconded motion. Question: Motion carried. Discussion closed on ICC.

* Special Indian Problems:

Mr. Morrison: I want to state that I concur with my friend Mr. Rogers from Minn, because his short, concise statement hit the mark in that Indian Claims Commission bill is of no value unless we show to the Congress of the US that we have to have money to carry this [[thins with "n" crossed out by hand]] on and futhermore [[furthermore]] we want the appointment of a man or woman with understanding and experience to sit on this commission as one of the Commissioners, and on the other hand, I feel that under the Executive Department in Washington, I proose [[propose]] that they do as they see fit to do but not let the US forget all about whether we are from Minn, Wisconsin or from Oklahoma and as I understand it, the greatest pressure in the pasage [[passage]] of the bill came from Oklahoma. I want to congratulate the Governor and his subordinates for their fine work.
Morrison ruled out of order for discussing Claims bill.

Morrison mumbled some more about *the proceeds from his tribes sale of timber lands had been misused. *