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National Congress of American Indians 

1426 35th Street N.W. 
Washington 7, D.C. 
February 25, 1948

Dear Friend: 
The Minutes of the Fourth Annual Convention of the National Congress of American Indians have been compiled in a neat volume of 72 pages. It contains a foreword by the President, minutes of each day's proceedings, the key note address by the President, and excerpts from the principal addresses made at the Convention. You will also find a copy of the constitution and by-laws, a statement of the aims and purposes of the Indian Congress, a list of the officers and members of the Executive Indian Congress, a list of the officers and members of the Executive Council with the addresses and a list of the registered delegates attending the Convention. It also contains a copy of the Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Mutual Assistance which the Convention agreed to submit to the tribes for their signatures. 

This is a very neat volume, bound in a beautiful red cover and will be a book which everyone interested in Indian Affairs will want to have for reference. In order to help meet the cost of this Transcript, it will be necessary to make a nominal charge of $1.00 per volume. If you wish one, fill in the blank space below and send to the secretary. 

Very truly yours,
Ruth M. Bronson 

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Mrs. Ruth M. Bronson
1426 35th Street N.W. 
Washington 7, D.C. 

Enclosed find $1.00, for which please send me a copy of the Transcript of the Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Convention of the National Congress of American Indians held at Santa Fe, New Mexico.

NAME Mathew High Pine 
ADDRESS Wounded Knee, South Dakota