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Transcription: [00:07:19]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
What I'm carrying right now is kind of like our colors, my club colors.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
This is a means of identification to all other car clubs, as well as to members within my car club that I roll with slow and low.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
I display it as a proud member. We've gotten together with one of the younger clubs in our region, but we branched out, and we have chapters as well, all over Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

{Unknown speaker}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Excuse me, excuse me. Yes, ma'am. They attach it to car, the back of the window, or the front, under the dashboard.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Thank you.

{SPEAKER name="Dr. Valenzuela"}
[Spanish] Yo quisiera tambien preguntarle a Alonso y a Tandy de la Brigada por la Paz. Ellos actualmente estan eh laborando un mural aqui al lado.

{SPEAKER name="Dr. Valenzuela"}
Entonces quisiera que nos podrian comentar acerca de que representa ese mural.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
He's sa--

{SPEAKER name="Dr. Valenzuela"}
Y que representan el programa que ellos mismos, en el que ellos participan.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Alonso and Tandy are both members of a group called the Brigada por la Paz, which is originated out of the La Sociedad de la Esquina. And Dr. Valenzuela is asking if they could explain a little bit about what that is,

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
and also there, I don't know if you all have seen, they're painting a mural that is right on the other side of this wall, and he's asking if they could discuss some of the images in the mural and what it's about.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
OK. O sea, la Brigada por la Paz, el grupo, somos cuatro personas.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
The Brigada por la Paz is made up of 4 people.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Uh-huh. Entonces este: esa Brigada se formo por - salimos del programa de Sociedad de la Esquina, programa atención a la Sociedad de la Esquina, que fue formado hace como dos años y medio en Juarez, en Ciudad Juarez.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
The Brigada por la Paz came out of the Sociedad de atencion de la Sociedad de la Esquina which is the Society of the Street Corner which was started in Juarez about 2 years ago.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Este programa trataba de lo que era lo creativo, cultural, deportivo.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
This program was about fomenting culture and sports among the young people, and tradition.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
En beneficio a la Raza, la juventud, para evitar este, violencia entre los mismos barrios.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
For the benefit of the Raza and of the young people to avoid violence.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Tal vez puede explicar lo que es la Raza, lo que significa este termo?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
O sea... parece aquí gangas. O sea, la -- barrio. O sea, el cholo, pues.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
So, the term "Raza" is used to describe the barrio and the young people there within gangs.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Uh-huh. De ahi nacio la Brigada por la Paz que esa - esa Brigada se dedico a hacer varios murales en diferentes partes de Ciudad Juarez.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
The Brigada por la Paz was born out of the Sociedad de la Esquina movement, and they've painted murals in different parts of Ciudad Juarez.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Si. Este, participaban por diferentes barrios con nosotros.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Y vamos a integrar sesenta-y-tres barrios de diferentes, de diferentes colonias, por decir.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Seventy-six different-- different barrios have participated in the program, and often painted with them.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Si. Y este programa era apoyado por la federación de México. Era un programa federal.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
The Sociedad de la Esquina was originally a federal program paid for by the Mexican government.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Entonces, este programa, como era federal, o sea, y nosotros, como lo que somos y todo, pues no tenemos el suficiente apoyo, nosotros tratamos de ser muy independientes de lo que era religión y partido y expresar nuestros propios sentires en la pintura.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Their goal is to keep the society outside of politics or religion, so they'll be able to express their own goals.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Y teniamos, haciamos nuestros asambleas, los miércoles de cada semana, donde contamos nuestros problemas, platicamos.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
They had weekly meetings in which they talked about different problems. ¿Como que tipo de problemas?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Pues, de abuso de autoridad. Del hecho de no mas del vestimer, del vestir Y...

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Particularly abuse of authority. ¿Por la policía?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Uh-huh --
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
By the police on kids because of their way of dressing because they were perceived as cholos, and would think that they were all delinquents, like we were saying before.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Si, de drogas. De eventos deportivos que se surgían de allí. Si, de diferentes tipos.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Several different sports programs came out of the Sociedad de la Esquina.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Uh-huh. No más de lo que pasa que... o sea, es una lástima, ese programa ya desapareció, verdad.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
It's too bad because this program has now disappeared.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Estamos un poco descomunicados.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
People are a little bit-- not communicating with each other as much as before; out of touch.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Por un cambio que hace aproximadamente unos 7 meses de que paso cambio de governación. Y entonces, no sé, a lo mejor metieron {?}grey pues a decir a la federación.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Entonces, la federación le quito presupuesto a ese programa que era un programa que nos aliviaba mucho a todos los barrios.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
The program was cut with the change of government, and--

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Lamentamos, mucho la violencia, pues, mas que nada.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
And things have gotten worse, there's more violence than ever.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 4"}
Habia mucha paz entra los barrios en Juarez.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
There's a lot of violence between the barrios.

Transcription Notes:
SPANISH NEEDS TO BE TRANSCRIBED!! NOT TRANSLATED!! THANKS. Speaker 2 is the girl. I think Speaker 3 is Dr. Valenzuela...? I think Speaker 4 is Alonso...? If Spanish is accurate, all good!