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Transcription: [00:02:31]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Um, we're gonna see couple of technologies that have been actually replaced by modern materials. The nylon rope that is used today, almost exclusively in ranches, is actually a replacement for ropes that were woven out of horse hair, or over here, Adolfo?

[[aside]] ¿Me puede explicar qué es esto? We're gonna get an explanation from Balto of what this rope is, actually.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Esto viene de la lechuguilla. Que viene siendo esa, y allí sale esto, y los peines, y-

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Y varias otras cosas

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Y los estropajos.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Uh-huh. Uh, what Balto is saying is that this is a part of a plant called lechuguilla. And lechuguilla, you'll recognize, is similar to the yucca;
it's similar to the maguey, or the century plant, from Mexico, also grows in Florida.
This penca, this leaf, is filled with a fiber, and through a process of scraping that you can see actually on the other side of our, um --
once this demonstration's over with, step around and you can actually see Balto cleaning the lechuguilla through a scraping process --
the fiber is extracted, and it's used to make these ropes through a twining process where the rope is twisted, folded back over itself, twisted, and after that's done, with four thicknesses, the rope is made.
These brushes are also grooming brushes for horses, for dishwashing, for all sorts of personal use.
These are also made from the fiber that's called ixtle.
And, um - pero ahora también se ocupa mas nylon.
And right now they're using more nylon rope, the mass-produced rope, than the ropes that you're seeing here that Balto makes.
Um, ¿que otra cosa trae usted, a enseñarnos? I'm asking Joe what else he has, what else he's brought to show us.

Transcription Notes:
Once Spanish is ***transcribed***, all good for Review!