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Transcription: [00:04:44]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
And horse hair you can use for all different things, your spurs. I work in a daily ranch. This is a hobby for me. We work cattle every day. We work cattle everyday. Esta cerda, el caballo. Es como se mira.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Horse hair, before you braid it into whatever you want to make it comes out of a horse's tail.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Do you also use the mane hair.. the hair from the horse's mane to make things?


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
You can use the manes to make reins, Bosales [[Hackamore in English]], paintbrushes, originally paintbrushes or artist brushes were made out of horse hair, or women use it to extend their hair down so it takes us even more.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Wow, thats interesting.

¿Pues dicen que el pelo que viene del, como se llama? ¿Del mane? La crin del caballo se usa, le usas mas finos como, para este pinceles par pintar y para tambien extender el pelo humano. Los mujeres se usa para extender su pelo para ser lo mas largo.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Armando, would you like to talk a little bit about the things that you brought and the craft, the artisanry that you do related to ranch work?


{SPEAKER name="Armando"}
Okay, I uh, I do a lot of work for ranches and my artwork, I tie it into ranch implements, I do a lot of repair jobs for tools and implements that are used in ranching, for example they use bars to help break rocks and stuff when they're digging post holes. I resharpen picks, mattocks, axes, and things of that nature. I also do cooking utensils and uh--

Transcription Notes:
Once Spanish is ***transcribed***, all good for Review