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Transcription: [00:00:06]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
I just saw a hand go up, so why don't we --

{SPEAKER name="Audience Member 1"}
I'm from southern California --
Do you know if there are any regional differences between El Paso, Texas and Southern California, for instance, in both murals and the low riding?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Pregunta ella, levanta la mano pregunta que si existen diferencias entre el movimiento del muralismo Chicano y el movimiento lowrider entre el sur de California y El Paso.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Ciudad Juarez, yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Carlos"}
As far as for me -- there is some differences. A lot of the execution is very similar. A lot of the subject matter is very similar, but um but the way it manifests, you know I think there is a difference and that goes all through the Southwest. Certain tendencies, certain styles tend to be dominant and also makes that area a little more distinct from the other area. So there is some differences.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Carlos, can you give me an example of what you are thinking of when you say that?

{SPEAKER name="Carlos"}
Oh well -- for one thing you have to understand for instance in southern California or Los Angeles - I mean that's the capital city for murals so you are gonna have a wide variety, so to try to compare it, um. El Paso tends to be a little bit more -- the only way I can describe it is basically using artistic terms like more impressionist, realist, surrealist -- whereas, uh LA has everything.

{SPEAKER name="Carlos"}
Uh, there's right now a big -- you see a lot of -- a lot of the the photo realism, a lot of graphics, illustrative -- we have that too, but not as much.

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