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Transcription: [00:17:44]
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In 1903, umm it was mainly the Chinese in the presence in Mexico that gave rise to--

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Founded the city of Mexicali in um Mexico.

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La presencia de una compania norte Americana en la region motivo de algun modo la presencia de la comunidad china a partir de la asociacion
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del capital norte americano con el capital chino en ba-California. Ellos trajeros Chinos enganchados desde California a baja California.

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It was by means of the presence of an American corporation that this Chinese presence became even more prolific in the area by means of
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the American corporation bringing the Chinese labor in terms of indergent servants to the area.

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En la actualidad la comunidad china representa una poblacion de 20,000-25,000 habitantes de origen Chino, es por eso que es importante en
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este caso retomar un poco la experiencia de Jose Luis Liz en el marco del trabajo al interior de la comunidad china.

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Presently there is approximately anywhere between twenty and twenty five thousand Chinese descendants perdon. Chinese descendants in baja
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Que la, en este caso Jose Luis Live el esta mostrando su trabajo de, del trabajo madera especialmente. El este mostrando unos de sus
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trabajos de Buddhas. Algunos es trabajo de pagodas, lámparas con diseño de pagodas especialmente para el festival de Smithsonian

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Okay. Which is why it is important to relate the story of Mr.Lee in the context of the festival. He has been able to show here at the
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festival some of his woodcarvings with motifs of pagoda motifs and Buddha motifs on his work.

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Él a trabajado durante varios años para la comunidad China y comunidad Mexicano en Baja California y es importante mencionar que en
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Mexicali existen aproximadamente 120 restaurantes Chinos y en Tijuana una cantidad similar. Él se ha abocado al trabajo del diseño, de los
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diseños en madera tallado para estos restaurantes de la comunidad China.

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Also, Mr.Lee is responsible for many of the woodwork and design of the many restaurants that are visible nowadays, so presently within
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Mexicali, which number anywhere around 120. And one can find the same number of Chinese restaurants in or within the Tijuana area in
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So this man is responsible for mostly the design and the production of some of the craftsmanship of wood within these restaurants.

Transcription Notes:
Spanish transcription needed at 00:20:01