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NARA 660

Septr 9th 1865
To the Provost Marshal at Goldsboro, N.C.

The petition of Daniel Cox a freedman of Johnston County, [formally], humbly & honestly that about the 19th day of March 1865 he found a horse of no good value in the Marshes of Mill-Creek which no doubt had been tied in said Marsh by some soldier who had left him. Your petitioner therefore took the said horse in his possession until about the last of July. Your petitioner further showeth that he was a hired servant to one Bowdoin Grantham at the appearance of the Union Army, and that the said Grantham was captured and carried to Prison by a part of said Army. Your petitioner further showeth that during the absence of the said Grantham, he the said Daniel remained with the family of the said Grantham and made a crop - he further showeth that about the 1st of July, the said Grantham returned from prison. and soon after that, claimed the said horse as his property. Your petitioner further showeth that he, himself, took the horse from the premises and traded him to one Joshua Grantham for a mule & a cow & calf - since which time the said Bowdoin Grantham demanded the said