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NARA 711


Sheriffs Office Kinston  N.C.
June 3rd 1867
Bur Maj. H.H. Foster 
I have the honor to report that since the withdrawal of the U.S.  Troops from this town in the latter part of 1865 this Co.
has been cursed with more lawlessness robbery arson and murder than any Co. of the size has ever been since the Formation of the Government. At this time it is the rendezvous of a formidable body of fiends in human shape who have no respect or fear for the law of either God or man. During the last eighteen months no less than thirteen murders have been committed. Among the number a U.S. Soldier, with crimes of a lesser magnitude without number have occurred which would have created a sensation of horror even in the most lawless and barbarous portion of Mexico. 
I have not drawn upon my imagination for this picture. The facts are real. I would that it were otherwise but I feel that as a civil officer of the Co. I should not discharge my duty
towards that portion of the people who are
disposed to be legal and law abiding were
I longer to remain silent. On or about the second day of May last I had the honor to address an application to you for six men and two