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NARA 712

non-commissioned officers to act as guard over the jail of this Co. in which were confined some hardened criminals. This application was returned with an order for the removal of three of the prisoners to Ft. Macon to be confined there until called for by the civil authorities 
Some eight or ten prisoners were still left here and since the removal of the above mentioned three on the 2nd inst the friends & accomplices in crime of those remaining took the law into their own hands and released them from confinement. The threat openly made by these men while in prison and by their accomplices before their release led us to believe that an effort will be made by a strong body of these desperadoes to rob and burn a large portion of the town. There is no protection here for life or property and we look to you Major as an Officer of the government to see that we obtain relief. I hope you can bear me witness that for the short time I have held the office of Sherriff of this Co. that I have endeavored to discharge my duties without fear favor or affection. I am requested by many of the good citizens of this Co. to apply for Military protection. In case a Military force is not sent here then I beg the honor to again request a guard for the jail for without such guard if any of the prisoners who have recently escaped should be re-captured they could not be held in custody. I have the honor to be Major
With great respect and Consideration
Your Obedient Servant
E.F. Cox Sherriff
Lenoir Co. N.C.