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NARA 753

Dudly N. Carolina 
Wayne County

This will certify that on the 8th day of June 1867 at Dudly There was a civil Warrant Returned Before me in which Kit Hatch was Plaintiff and Haines, W Thompson was Deft upon which Trial Mr Thompson did not Refuse to pay the ammount charged for making the shoes but confessed on Trial that he did Justly owe Kit Hatch for the making the shoes $3 for which I rendred him a Judgment in favor of the Plantiff but Mr Thompson claimed that Kit did not Return all his leather that was left where upon they had some Dificulty after Kits Disputing Thompson word in some way but I cannot say Definitely what give rise to the dificulty but he disputed his word in some way During the conversation and they had some dificulty Kit says he did Return all the leather Thompson says he did not I cannot say about that any way  I rendred a Judgemt for the amount claimed by Kit for the work

Very Respectfully
A.J Grody JP