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NARA 755

Smithfield NC
Sep 1st 1867

Mr J J Allison I seete my self this morning to drop you a few lines.  Also to inform you I am staying at the same place that I was staying at when you heard from me last. I have got me a little pice of ground and I would like for you to try my Cullord friends for money enough to build me A little house as I have No one but my self to loock for Nothing and I think if I Could get money enough to build me A little house I Could get A long much Better and I hope they will Not refuse me if they only knew my circumstances you would Succeede in getting Some & I would be thousand times thankful to any of my friends for any Amount it is But Little it would be great help to me. I Beg through Nessaty I only want enough to put up me A little house Some where for me and my baby to stay in and have A home and my self and baby are Not enjoying good health I hope you will succeed and my white friends at head quarters and they will to please send me some and youre self  Also Send Some  rite soon as you get this and give me all the Nuse for I am Anctious  here
Silby Holland

Transcription Notes:
The last word of the letter is hard to decipher but I think the transcriber got it right.