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NARA 768

for my services & he could not take my coton to pay for the guard he flew in a fashion and abused me to the lowest extint becaus I would not give up for him to take my coton he got so vext he drew his knife on me we had no blows what ever. it past of at that that occured the first of Nov he went before the judge at Nov Cort & swore that I was halling off & selling the crop & appropriating it to my own use & that I was going to turn my stock in & distroy the foder without fencing the stacks & I was disturbing the labors & would not let them gather the crop & that I was so such violen temper he was not safe to come on the farme further more, he swore that I was under the influence of strong drink. all the while. I can prove all this to be faulce by responcable men after the corn was devided, I took -2- lbs of my part & carried off to get shoose for my family Mr Taylor had the kee to the Barn his was in him self those two lbs is all that I has disposed of off ov the farme nothing becides the corn has bin divided. I took my own turne & fenced the stacks = on Dec the 6 - Mr. Taylor took the Shrff - & came down to my house & levied on my crop & took parsession of my keese, & on the 28 of the present month is to be public sale at my house to sell all of my crop to pay the expences of the crop which will leave my self wife 

& = 4 Children becides my stocks destitute of any thing at all to eate for the coming yeare. I am know in a suffering condition & has bin ever cinc the 6th of the present month - this is to be decided March last - 1868 - on day of sale - which is cash = I hav bin informed he has bin lazing up money to by my produce knowing I had no money nether had I any thing to sell to get the money my stock what I had - has nothing at all to eat - & it is impossable for me to by the day of sale for I hav no money nor no chance of getting any = I humbly beg of you for assistanc knowing you hav it in your power. If it should be requested I can prove by Shrff G.M. Lewis of the county of Nash. he sed he saw nothing that was rong all was going on smoothly the crop all housed, stacks all fenced - & he saw that Talton, Mr C Taylor had swore to things that want so - this was dun by Talton. Mr. C Taylor threw prejidic to ruin me, & which it will do without your honor will assist me = I hav his oth if you request it I will send you a coppy - please assist me as soone as possable & you shall foreer hav the blessings & prairs of a distressed family I humble wate with anxaety for relief from you.
Your humble servent
Charles. G. Minshew

my-address- Charles G Minshew 
Whitakers Turnout 
Edgcom. Co. NC.