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NARA 801

Weldon NC
June 24 1867

Major Compton

Dear Sir
The late hour has come from 6th of June to day the 24 & no arests Robing Stealing gambling & brakings souls all the time & let run at large the same partys that robed me 

Mr Spillman last monday was going to have the partys arested & one of the partys has been to work for the sheriff & no arrest This morning at 9 O clock all we have to say if I can not get protection from civill & military & one of the partys stole sum $300 Saturday knight & has Run away to V.A. & they all go the same way  I dont think the military has dun us justice nor what congress & people expect I saw in Georgia Genrall Pope has no sutch points pass his Ey unnoticet  if I cant get Protection of Life &