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NARA 809

testified that Mrs John forbade this woman's coming upon her premises, and after being thus forbidden, she went there again, and was very insolent to Mrs. John. 

The law of North Carolina defines this offence to be a misdemeanor, punishable by the Courts.

My judgement was, that she be required to give bond, with security, for her appearance at the next term of the County Court, and upon default thereof, to be committed to Jail.
A responsible gentleman informed the office that he would become her security today - so I presume, she has or will be released today, on bail.

These are the facts. I consider it a trivial affair - yet a violation of the law. If tried by the Court, the punishment will, probably be a very small fine.

I have the honor
to be, Major,
Very respectfully
Your ob't sevt
J.C. Slocumb

Transcription Notes:
8-21-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review