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Goldsboro. NC May 10th 1867

Maj. C.E. Compton U.S.A.
Comnd'g Military Post of Goldsboro NC

I have the honor to submit
the following report for your consideration.

In compliance with written instructions from Hd. Qrs. Sub. Asst. Commissioner Sub District of Goldsboro, dated May 9th 67, directing me to proceed to Wilson and such other places in the County of Wilson N.C. as may be necessary and procure the names of suitable persons in each Election District to act as Registers and Inspections of Elections &c.  I have the honor to state that upon the receipt of said order I proceeded by R.Road to Wilson, arriving there about 12:30 P.M. 9th inst.
Immediately upon my arrival there I called upon several and in fact nearly all of the prominent men of the place and stated to them the object of my mission, and requested them to aide and advise me as best they could to accomplish the desired result.
With few exceptions I found them indifferent and not inclined to aide me in the least.  I was successful however in finding one white man (a Mr Daniels) who is and has been during the war a staunch Union man of high moral character and attainments who can if called upon, subscribe the "Test Oath" as prescribed by