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Act of Congress of 1862.  Also a Dr S.P. Wright Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for the Counties of Wilson and Edgecombe N.C. and Benjamin R. Bragg, Assessor of Internal Revenue for said Counties, both of whom are able to subscribe the necessary Oath, and are willing to act as Register &c. if appointed.
I had lengthy interviews with the above mentioned Gentlemen as also a Mr Geo. W. Blount formerly Mayor of the Township of Wilson and is in my opinion an upright and honest man but unfortunately is disqualified under existing laws from holding office under the Government, having been an Officer in the Rebel Army &c. To the above named Gentlemen I am chiefly indebted for my success in obtaining the information set forth in my "Tabular Statement" herewith enclosed.
Owing to the impracticability of my getting the requisite transportation and the unanimous advice and opinions of all with whom I consulted, I did not deem it worth while or advisable to visit the several precincts personally at this time, as I am able to procure the names of the best men in each precinct, and all requisite information concerning them from those whom I deem reliable and trustworthy.
With the exception of the three Gentlemen above named, I have been  unable to find a single White man who could be relied upon to do justice to both White and Colored persons, and be able to take the required Oath.
Mr. Daniels reluctantly consented to act as Register &c. and should he be appointed for his own precinct, but declines to act in any other
Precinct on the ground that his business will not admit of his doing so.
Perhaps it would not be out of place for me to here state that during my investigations, I ascertained that on or about the 21st ultimo.
His Excellency Governor Worth, addressed to two residents of the town of Wilson, a Printed Circular Letter (a copy of which is herewith enclosed) requesting them to give him the names of suitable persons to act as Registers in the approaching elections.  There were but two such letters received in that place and those by men (whom I am told by all who know them) who are noted for being the most violent and bitter Rebels in the County.  I also heard of others living in other Townships receiving like documents and all have the name of being of the same stamp.  I was unable however to ascertain definitely if said persons had forwarded any names to his Excellency the Governor in compliance with said request.
It is the unanimous opinion of those with whom I have conversed upon the subject that there is but one way to get a fair and impartial registration in the County under existing laws, and this for the General Commanding to Appoint a Board (Non-residents of the County) who can take the required Oath and they associate with them some one or any number they might deem advisable whose names are on the enclosed list. For the purpose of conferring with them and thereby get all needful information as to persons &c. I have no doubt but such a course would not only be a just one but satisfactory and gratifying to the leading men and all legal voters of