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NARA 815

Goldsboro N.C. May 14th 1867.

Major C E. Compton U.S.A.
Commd'g. Military Post of Goldsboro. &c. 

I have the honor to submit the following Report for your consideration. 

In compliance with written instructions from Head Qrs. Sub. Asst. Coms'r. Sub Dist. of Goldsboro. leaving date of 13th inst. directing me "to proceed to Snow Hill, and to such other places in Green County N.C. as I might deem necessary and procure the names of suitable persons in the said Election Districts to act as Registers, and Inspectors of Elections," and also verbal instructions from you to "gain such information as I could regarding the Murder of Seven Colored men who were taken by some persons now unknown from the County jail at Snow Hill some time in January last, and murdered without having had even a hearing before any Civil or Military Tribunal." I have the honor to State, that in compliance with said instructions I proceeded to Snow Hill, arriving there between the hours of 7 and 8 oclock A.M. 14th inst.

Upon my arrival there I found Gentlemen from all parts of the County, congregated to the number of from Five to Eight Hundred