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NARA 819

Tarboro N C July 5th 1867
Mr C E Compton

Sir yours of this date is received and in reply I have to inform you that our County is divided into fourteen Election precincts numbered and voting places. Known as follows No 1 Tarboro No 2 Hargrove's No. 3 Braswell's No 7 Webb's. No 8 Sparta. No 9 Pender Mills. No 10 High Level. No 11 Piney Grove. No 12 Hickory Fork. No 13 Edward's. No 14 Holly Grove. No 15 Roberston Store. No 16. Maries Hill & No. 17 Whitley Shop, and in recommending three Registering precincts with the assistance of our old Sheriff we put No 1. 4. 9. 11. 12. & 13 into one to be held at Tarboro. No 2. 3. 8. 10. 7. & 17 to be held at High Level & No 14. 15. & 16 at Roberston Store. which is the best we could do
Very Respectfully yours &c
Irvin Thigpen C.C.C.