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NARA 824
H.10. E&M B 98.
Washington D.C.
Feb 8/68

Howe J.P.
Bt. Maj. Genl

States that no certificate has been received in his office in favor of Joseph Jenkins late Private 4th U.S.C.T.

Recd Goldsboro Feb 13/68

Office Sb. Asst Comr Bu R.F.&A.L.
Head Quarters 40" U.S. Infy
Goldsboro N.C.
Feby. 13th 1868

Respectfully forwarded to F.P. Stevenson Esq. Claim Agent and Attorney for Joseph Jenkins late Private Co C. 4th USC. Troops. who is requested to inform the officer of the condition of the claim for bounty of the said Jenkins.
C.E. Compton
Brt Lt Col U.S.A.
Sub Asst Comr Bu R F &A.L