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NARA 829

Norristown Penn'a Feby 3rd, 1868.
Chas &. Compton
Sub, Asst. Commiss'r. Bureau
Freedmen & A.L.
Goldsboro N.C.

by direction of Alfredo Bruff Commissary Sergt. 40th Regt. U.S Infy. I send you herewith enclosed a draft drawn by 1st Matt Bause of Norristown Pa, on 1st National Bank Phila, of this date, for $125 and enclosed payable to the Order of said Alfred Bruff, being the amount due him for additional Bounty under the act of July 28.  1866, and back pay, from the United States as a Priv Co B. 2nd Regt. U.S.C.T. less the fees and expenses, for the collection, and remittance of the same. - I have just sent Bruff his Certificate of Discharge under his ordinary address. - Please deliver the drafts to said Bruff, and when doing so please get him to sign the enclosed receipts which return to me by mail. - 
Very Respectfully Your Obdt. Servt
Wm Rossiter

Recd 10th

Transcription Notes:
the transcription made that says [[illegible]] is written in place of the last two full lines of the letter.