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NARA 831

Sir I think these young girls are Object of Charity - they have three smaller than themselves to take care of and two of them are sick They have A brother that is grown but does not help them he has fits - and consequently does not make much and what he does make he keeps 
he has only given them one Bushel and A peck of meal since last Jannary  
They have had nothing to eat for A week only as they have
picked Berries and sold to get a little to keep from starving and I do certainly think and know that they are deserving of your sympathy as week as every one else that is A friend to the suffering poor and I think it - is the oduty of every one to assist them that can

M.C. Smith

I want you if you please to send me something to read for we are all sick an I have not a thing

Mrs. C. Franklin

Major Compton I send againe to no if I can not get any thing I am needing very bad Mr Bazore was to see me this morning he I hope that you would let me have some rations today I hope you will not deny me 

H E Frey