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July 8, 1965

Mr. Lawrence Fleischman
194080 Burlington Drive
Detroit 3, Michigan 

Dear Mr. Fleischman: 

While Nancy Curtis Padnos is in Europe on business for our office, the Traveling Exhibition is once again commencing arrangements for an exhibition in the fall of 1966, and would like to borrow the painting from your collection starting September 1, 1966, for a loan of 18 months, provided, of course, that it is convenient for you. 

We would appreciate knowing as soon as possible if this is convenient for you. We greatly appreciate the support you have given Mrs. Soria and us by agreeing to lend you works for what promises to be a very exciting exhibition.

Thanking you for your interest and cooperation, I am

Sincerely yours, 
Jean M. Taylor
Mrs. Michael Taylor
Traveling Exhibition Service
