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and a quantity of bacon has already been deposited in Huntsville, to be distributed to the destitute, without distinction of color, according to a plan agreed upon jointly by the Assistant Commissioner and State Authorities under the sanction of the War Department.  It is hoped by this plan to supply fully the wants of the needy in each county.  Instances of destitution, therefore, can be reported to Col Callis or the County Agent,
A copy of the above will be furnished Mr Mitchell,

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education.

Letter 3

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala. Nov 30th 1866

William Mitchell Eqr
Nashville Tenn

My dear Sir:

I take pleasure in forwarding to you a copy of a letter sent to Rev Jos S Travelli.  As it contains information on points raised in yours of 4th ult- it is deemed of interest to you

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C. W. Buckley
Superintendent Education


Letter 3

Head-Quarters, Sub. District Alabama
Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala.  Dec 4th 1866

Rev. H. B. Knight
Sec. Cleveland U.A. Commission
Cleveland Ohio

My Dear Sir:

Your very kind note of 22nd ult is before me. I was very glad to hear from you, and to know the action your commission has taken in regard to Mrs Storey. An unpleasant affair has been very promptly and quietly disposed of: and now it will drop out of sight. I am placed under still great obligations to your commission for their exhibition of your carful desire to have our work move on smoothly and successfully

I am glad to know that you have a good teacher in view. I wish very much you would send her to us. I hardly think Mrs. Kepson will need another teacher. I am confident she will not need one so much as we need help in other fields. We have a large field at Greenville and the school must go down unless we can get a good teacher to go there in a short time. This school is located on the Rail Road running from this place to Mobile; fifty miles from here. The Bureau has a local agent stationed there and female teachers will be perfectly secure. The colored profile, moreover, one enterpris(s)ing and awake to school interests. A school has been in progress there for nearly a year. The colored people have contributed towards it support for several months past, about thirty dollars per month. This amount could easily be increased

Transcription Notes:
I have typed “enterprising” the way the author spelled it.