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under good management. The school will pay the board and current expenses of one, perhaps two, teachers. Will you not occupy this inviting field. A house is ready for school purposes, and board is reasonable. I will do all in my power to make the teachers comfortable and their labors successful. One teacher will answer the purpose for the immediate present; two will find work to advantage. Do send us one, if possible two. If need be, the Bureau will pay sufficient salary to them to meet board bill.
Our work increases on our hands much faster than we can meet the demand Our cause is advancing, and it is granted us day by day to witness triumphs of truth & right.
In regard to Mrs Storeys "Transportation Fare" I am instructed by the Assistant Commissioner to say that as Mrs S. did not remain in the field as a teacher, he does not feel willing to refund her expenses in coming and returning
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant                      
C. W. Buckley                    
Superintendent Education


Letter 4

Office Superintendent Education                      
Montgomery Ala. Dec 7th 1866

William A LeBaron
Mobile Alabama
Dear Sir:

Enclosed please find Draft on Mobile for one hundred and thirty seven dollars and fifty cents, the same being the amount of ret due you for dwelling situated on Hamilton St. Mobile for the month of December 1866. Please forward a receipt upon its arrival.
The delay in forwarding this is not the fault of the government, but my own, in that I have been taken from my office to serve as Grand Juror in U.S. District Court. For personal delinquences [[delinquencies]], therefore, I beg your indulgence.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C. W. Buckley
Superintendent Education

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala. Dec 6th 1866

Miss Carrie E Smith
Selma Alabama:

I take pleasure in sending you a Draft on Mobile for fifty dollars the same being the amount of your salary as teacher for the month of November 1866. 

Please forward me a receipt upon the arrival of the Draft.

The delay caused in remitting the Draft is not the fault of the government but mine in that I have been taken from my office to serve as a Grand Juror of