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Letter 15.

Head Quarter Sub District of Ala
Office Superintendent of Education
Montgomery Ala Dec 14th, 1866.

Newcomb. Miss Hattie S.
Demopolis, Ala.

Enclosed please find Draft on Mobile Ala for Fifty Dollars "$50.00" the same being the amount of your salary for the month of October 1866.

I have written to Washington for aditional instruction in regard to the payment of your transportation fare from your home to your field of labor Every effort will be made to refund this amount.

Please forward receipt to this office upon the arrival of the Draft.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant

Superintendent Education

Letter. 16. 

Headquarters Sub District of Ala
Office Superintendent of Education
Montgomery Ala. Dec 14th 1866

Knight, Miss A.L. 
Demopolis Ala. 

Enclosed please find Draft on Mobile Ala. for Fifty Dollars ($50.00) the same being the amount of your Salary for the month of October 1866. 

Letter have been sent to Washington for additional instructions in regard to the payment of your cost of transportation to your field of labor 

I shall make every effort to have this amount refunded to you

Very Respectfully &c

Superintendent of Education


Letter 17. 

Officer Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala. Dec. 15th 1866

Wiley John Eqr
Troy Ala:


Enclosed please find Draft on United States Depository Mobile, Ala; drawn in your favor and payable to your order, for twenty-five dollars ($25.00) the same being the amount of your salary for the month of November 1866, as teacher of colored school at Troy.
Your money for October is waiting your order. Send for it at your earliest opportunity. Should you, in future, prefer to have me send you money instead of the Draft, I can get the draft cashed here at ¼ of one percent. The government will make all payments hereafter by draft. 

Return usual receipt. 

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education