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Letter 18

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala Dec 19th, 1866.

Walden Rev J.M. D.D.
Cincinnati Ohio

Dear Sir:

Your note of 14th just came to hand this morning. I hasten to reply 

In making out the certificates of transportation you will please include all expenses except subsistance [[subsistence]].

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education

Letter 19

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala Dec 19th, 1866

Knight Rev. R.B.
Cor. Sec.
Cleveland Ohio:

My Dear Sir:

Your most welcome letter of 14th just came to hand this morning. Permit me to thank you and your Commission for expressions of good will towards me, and for your unabated interest in our work. Be assured I shall ever hold myself in readiness to render you cheerful aid in gathering the interest of our common cause.-
It is gratifying to know that you are about to send us a good teacher for Greenville. As to the teacher there, I will state for your information that one Mr Heildreth, is a man past the middle of life and because of his inexperience in teaching of late years and because of his general incompetence has been dismissed from our rolls as a teacher. Mrs Clancey is therefore, the only one left and is now in


charge of the school. She is a Southern person and will answer a good purpose as assistant. With a good teacher to assume the charge, we have a very fair prospect before us for a good school at Greenville. It is but three hours ride from this place by rail road and Mr Richardson can extend his supervision to schools located there with almost as much ease as if these were located in Montgomery.

As to Miss Webster's going to Talladega, you will excuse the liberty if I suggest that she is needed here more than in Talladega. Our work here has increased so rapidly on our hands that we are now casting about for another room and a teacher to occupy it. Mr Richardson already has charge of a Department, and every teacher is now employed. Moreover, the school house at Talladega cannot accommodate more than two teachers to advantage. And I hereby think the number of pupils will require more than two teachers. But Mr Hopson can inform you more definitely on this point.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education.

Letter 20

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Alabama Dec 19th, 1866

Seliger Emanuel Eqr
Mobile Ala:

Dear Sir:

Enclosed please find receipt of Southern Express Company for twenty two ($22.00) dollars, the same being the amount of rent due you for school house situated on St Lawrence Street Mobile, for month of December 1866.-