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The delay in forwarding this money was caused by an imperfection in making out the vouchers by reason of a recent order from Washington, which was not known when the voucher was made. When we get a supply of blank vouchers, I shall then call upon you to correct the mistake. I make therefore, an irregular payment in order not to longer keep you from you pay.

Return receipt upon the arrival of the money

C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education

Letter 21

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala. Dec 19th 1866

Callis Col Jno B.
Huntsville Ala:

Colonel: I have the honor to acknowledge your communication of 12th inst.

In reply I beg leave to state that I estimated for Mr Campbell's salary and it will be paid at the end of the month.-

I dislike to have the school at Decatur close. If you can find a good teacher please secure one and I will see that he is paid a fair price for his services. We usually pay from fifty to seventy five dollars per month If you think there are pupils enough at Decatur to warrant this expenditure, do not hesitate about the price. After saying this much, I leave the rest, knowing that your judgement will guide you to the best results.-

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education


Letter 22

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala. Dec 20th, 1866

Drake C.L.
Demopolis Ala:

Dear Sir

Yours enclosing Reports was received on 16th inst having been ten days on the way I reply sending by express that my answer may not be delayed.

I have just reread several of your communications to refresh my mind in regard to the situation of affairs in your district.

The reason I have not sent you vouchers is the fact we are out. The Q Master's department has been out for weeks; and owing to an unwillingness to pay needed vouchers, I have not sent any. We are looking for a supply every day. When they arrive you shall have them at the earliest possible moment. The salaries of your teachers were estimated for October and November and the money for November is here awaiting you.

As to stoves fuel, incidental expenses, I hope the pupils will be able to pay this expenditure. I am inclined to think they will, judging from the amount collected last summer. What is your opinion? I want you to consider you have full authority, and it is hereby granted, to use funds arising from tuition for the purposes mentioned above. This expenditure can be made by yourself or under the direction of Major Pierce.

I will pay the salary of John A Price when the Paymaster returns.

It is impossible to pay out money except on voucher stating plainly the nature of the repairs; the quantity and kind of articles purchased, the amount of labor expended &c &c; except it be done on contract as per agreement. Hence I do not see how the repairs at the different towns