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schools of Tuscaloosa organized under efficient teachers and put in such shape, that you can devote a share of your time to opening new schools in adjoining counties. We now have means for repairing school houses and extending our system of schools all over the state.  I need the aid of air efficient, experienced man at your very place for this purpose.  I want suggestions as to good points at which to open schools; - what is needed to secure a good house, what repairs, desks and furniture are needed. Here is a great field for cooperation and as soon as a man enters into it with a will, he can easily earn ($100.00) per month and he shall have it.
I know it requires time to bring about such results, but I have thought you were shaping things to this end in your place and would soon be ready to enlarge operations.
There is an inviting field of labor before you and I hope you will remain and accept it.  Write me soon
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education


Letter 24st             

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala Dec: 24st 1866

Branch  E. C. Esqr

Dear Sir:
Enclosed please find draft on mobile for two hundred, two dollars and five cents;  the same being the amount of money refunded for the transportation of teachers as follows:
E. C. Branch       50 55/100
Eliza J. Ethridge  50 15/100
Mary Cooley        51 20/100
Hattie Miswall     50 15/100
Your obedient servant
C. W. Buckley
Superintendent Education

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala Dec. 24th 1866

Saxton S. Willard
Washington DC

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated Dec. 19th 1866, also blank forms of "certificate of transportation" for which you will please accept my thanks. -
I fear I was not definite enough in my request of 14th inst.  I wish blank [[vouchers]], forms No 17., such as are used in paying transportation fares for teachers. The form is peculiar and applicable in cases of transportation only.
The forms already used were forwarded by Col Ballock to this office.
Payment is not made on the certificates
Will you be kind enough to send me

Transcription Notes:
[[is underlined]]