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fifteen sets of the above form

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education.-

Office Superintendent Education
Montgomery Ala. Dec 26th, 1866

Skinner L.S. Eqr
Tuscaloosa Ala:

Dear Sir:

I have paid this day Mr. Chas C. Arms, seventy three dollars and fifty five cents, the same being the Amount of your salary for the month of November 1866 less the exchange on Mobile of twenty cents.

All payments are made by draft now, on United States Depository at Mobile. I have had your draft cashed here at ¼ of one percent, thinking it to be a better rate than in Tuscaloosa.

Vouchers will be forwarded you for December as soon as a supply reaches here Washington.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education


Office Superintendent Education
December 27th, 1866. Montgomery Ala

Hopson Mrs C.M.
Talladega Ala:

Enclosed please find Southern Express Co receipt for one hundred and fifty dollars forwarded this day to your address, the same being the amount donated towards the repairs on the Freedmens School house at your place 

Please return a receipt upon the arrival of the money,

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C.W. Buckley
Superintendent Education

Montgomery, Ala. Jany 26th, 1867

Mutch George, Esq.
Opelika, Ala.

Dr Sir:

I have this day forwarded to your address forty dollars less exchange on Mobile, at one per cent, the same being the amt due B.L. Perry for rent of Freedmens' School House at opelika, for the months of Sept. Oct., Nov & Decr. 1866.
Please forward receipt for the same to this office, upon its arrival. 

Yours Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Supt. Education

[[note]] Receipt Filed No. 1 [[/note]]