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Montgomery, Ala.
January 26th 1864

Arms Charles C.
Tuscaloosa, Ala.

I transmit herewith Draft on United States Depository, Mobile Ala. for seventy three 75/100 dollars, the same being the amount of your salary for the month of December 1866. 
You will please return receipt for same upon its arrival to this office.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
Supt. Education
[[margin]] Receipt Filed No 4 [[/margin]]

Montgomery, Ala.
January 8th 1867

Thos H.
Opalika, Ala.

I have this day transmitted to your address per [strikethrough]] Adams [strikethrough]  
Southern Express Co. the sum of thirty one 75/100 dollars, it being the amount due you for rent of school Building for the month of December 1866 Upon its arrival please return receipt to this office.
Very Respectfully 
your obdt servant

Supt Education
[[margin]] Receipt Filed no 5 [[/margin]]


Montgomery, Ala.
January 29th 1867

McGogy J. F. Captain,
Greenville, Ala.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of 23rd inst. regarding the condition of the school matters at your place.  In reply I beg leave to state that the appropriation of one hundred dollars asked for by yourself for the completion of the school house at your place has been granted by General Swayne.
It is hoped that the new building will be finished along as rapidly as possible. The one hundred dollars mentioned above will be put in the February estimate and ready to be paid out at the close of the month.
Please purchase such articles as are needed, and keep a record of date of Purchase, the quantity purchased, and cost of each item, and forward a bill accounting to one hundred dollars to this office for payment.
To yourself much credit is due for the energy you have manifested in your efforts to provide the Freedmen of Greenville with the means of a common school education.
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
Supt. Education