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Montgomery, Ala.
April 3th 1869.

Callis Col. Jno. B. 
Sub. Asst. Com. 
Huntsville, Ala.

I have the honor of forwarding to you by Southern Express Co. this day one hundred and seventy-two dollars and thirty-five cents. (172.35) in payment of Transportation of teachers in your District to be divided as follows.
A.W. McCullough  $37.45
Emma Gill  37.45
Matilda Hindman  25.90
Davis Daily  23.35
James D. Arnold  48.20
By distributing the above amount you will place me under renewed obligation for past favors.
I have the honor to be,
very respectfully,
your obd't servant.
Supt. Education B.R. &c.

Montgomery, Ala.
April 8th, 1867.

Arms Mr. Charles C.
Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Enclosed you will please find Draft on U. S. Depository at Mobile drawn as follows:
In favor of Allan A. Williams  $23.00
In favor of Charles C. Arms  $99.17
In favor of Mary Ryan $25.00
[[left margin]] Receipt Filed No 41 No 41 [[/left margin]]


Being the payment of salaries respectfully due as Teachers of Colored schools for the month of March, 1867.
Please hand the Drafts to Miss Ryan and Mr. Williams, and return a receipt to this office for the same.
Very Respectfully,
Your obedient Servant.
Supt. Education.

Montgomery, Ala.
April 8, 1867.

LeBarren William A.
Mobile, Ala. 

Dear Sir:
I take pleasure in forwarding herewith a Draft on United States Depository, Mobile, Ala. drawn in your favor for one hundred thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents, the same being the amount due you for rent of house on Hamilton street, Mobile, Ala, for the month of 1867.
I find, I have receipts from you for all previous months. Accept thanks for putting me right as to dates.
I am, respectfully.
Supt. Education
[[left margin]] Receipt Filed No. 42 [[/left margin]]