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Montgomery, Ala.
June 15th 1867

Boroman Mrs. Sarah
Demopolis, Ala.

[[margin]] No 79 [[/margin]]

Enclosed please find Draft on U.S. Depository at Mobile, Ala. drawn in your favor for Forty (40) dollars, same being due you as teacher colored school for month of May 1867.
Your obedient servt
Supt. Education

Montgomery, Ala.
June 17th 1867

Sanderling Miss Mary
Marion, Ala.

[[margin]] No 80 [[/ margin]]

Enclosed please find fifty-four dollars and fifty cents ($54.50) the same being the amount of your salary from April 22nd to May 30th 1867. less the dollars advanced you in route to Marion, and fifty-cents exchange in Mobile.
Supt. Education


Montgomery, Ala.
July 6th 1867.

Healy JB
Girard, Ala.

[[margin]] No 81 [[/margin]]

Enclosed please find Draft on U.S. Depository at Mobile Ala., drawn, drawn in your favor for $130.00, due you as teacher colored school for months of May and June.  Return receipt to this office.
Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Supt Education

Whitly Dr. Thomas H.
Auburn, Ala.

[[margin]] No 82 [[/margin]]

Enclosed you will find Draft on U.S. Depository at Mobile Ala. drawn in your favor for $165.00 due you as teacher colored school for months of May and June, less forty-dollars, due Mr. Grant.
Very respectfully &c
Supt Education