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Montgomery, Ala.
July 15th 67.

Price Mr. Daniel
Livingston, Ala

[[left margin]] No 119 [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find Draft on U. S. Depository at Mobile, Ala. drawn in your favor for $60.00, same being due you as teacher colored school for month of June 1867. Please return a receipt to this office.
Very respectfully,

Supt. Education

Head Quarters Dist of Ala.
Office Supt of Education
Montgomery Ala. Aug 5th 67

Warwick J.W. Esq.
Talladega, Ala.

[[left margin]] No 120 [[/left margin]] 

I have forwarded this day through the office of Col Edwin Beecher, Disbursing officer, Eighty dollars and forty-eight cents, the same being the amount due you for rent of school house from April 1st to June 30th 1867.
You will find this money at the office of Sub. Asst. Commissioner, Capt Jas. F. McGogy.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servt

Superintendent of Education


Montgomery Ala. Aug 7th 1867

Day Laura J.
Atlanta Ga

[[left margin]] No 121 [[/left margin]] 

Enclosed please find sixty-five dollars less exchange on Mobile at ¼ of 1%, the same being the amount due Mrs D.D. Otis as teacher at Evergreen for month of July 1867
Very respectfully,
C.W. Buckley
Supt. Education

Montgomery, Ala.
Aug 8th 67.

Shorkley Lieut Geo.
Sub Asst. Commr
Selma, Ala.

[[left margin]] No 122 Receipts Filed  Nos 2 3 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find Drafts on United States Depository for following persons and months of service:

4  Max Senderling  July 1st to July 31 67  $50.00
5  F C Coe  July 1st to July 31 67  $50.00
6  H. F. Tradewell  July 1st to July 31 67  $50.00
7  T. C. Steward  July 1st to July 31 67  $75.00
8  Albon Emmons  June 1st to June 30th 67  $65.00
9  J. T. Coleman  June 1st to June 30th 67  $50.00
11  R. R. Vassar  June 1st to June 30th 67  $50.00
10  Hamman Russ  June 1st to June 30th 67  $30.00
3  J. B. Robertson  June 1st to June 30th 67  $50.00
2  William Bayley  June 1st to June 30th 67  50.00 $65.00
You will oblige me by handing these drafts to the proper persons, and informing me of their safe arrival.
Very Respectfully,
Yr obedt. Servt

Supt Education

Transcription Notes:
just a list, not a table