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Montgomery Sept 4th/67 

Arms C.C. 
[[left margin]] Receipt filed No 141 [[/left margin]]

Dear Sir: 
Enclosed please find drafts for following persons

C C Arms for services as teacher for June and July, and rent of school houses for period in full to Aug 1st 1867, $320 84
Ellen L Benton salary for June and July $120 00
Hattie L Wencourt salary for June and July $120 00

Please return a receipt to this office 

G.W. Buckley
Supt. Education 

Montgomery Alabama 
October 4 67

Miller H.V.M. Esq
Atlanta Ga.
[[left margin]] No 142 [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find draft of U.S. Depository Mobile, Ala drawn in your favor and to your order for thirty dollars ($30) the same being the amount due you to for rent of school house at Eufaula Ala for months of May June, June and July 1867 at ten dollars per month. The Government does not pay rent in advance as you suggested in your letter of recent date. 

Very Resptly
Your Obd Servt
Supt of Education

Montgomery, Ala 
Oct 4th 1867

Forsyth Robert
Girard Russell Co. Ala
[[left margin]] No 143 [[/left margin]]

Enclosed please find draft of U.S. Depository Mobile Ala, drawn in your


favor and to your order for thirty seven dollars and fifty cents ($37.50) the same being the amount due you for rent of schoolhouse at Girard Ala. for months of May June and July at twelve dollars and fifty cents per month.

The Government does not pay rent in advance as you suggested in your letter of recent date.

Very Resfl'ly
Your Obdt Servt
Supt of Education

Montgomery Ala Oct 4 67

Harcourt Miss Hattie L
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
[[left margin]] Receipt filed No 144 [[/left margin]]

Dear Miss,
Enclosed please find draft on U.S. Depository Mobile, Ala, drawn in your favor and to your order for ($60.00) Sixty dollars, the same being the amount of your salary for August 1867.

Please return a receipt upon the arrival of this draft.

Very Respectfully
and Cordially
Supt Education BR&F

Montgomery Ala Oct 4 67

Benton Miss E.L.
Tuscaloosa, Ala
[left margin]] Receipt filed No 145 [[/left margin]]

Dear Miss
Enclosed please find draft on U.S. Depository Mobile, Ala, drawn in your favor and payable to your order for Sixty dollars ($60.00), the same being the amount of your Salary for August 1867. 

Please return a receipt upon the arrival of the draft.

Transcription Notes:
Girard Russell Co Ala confirmed