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We indorse the above Suggestions of A. B. Moore
Bush Jones     Judge of Probate
A J Battle     Pres Judson F Institute
Porter King
Wm H McIntosh   Pastor Baptist Ch
John Moore      Judge 1st Jud Circuit
P. B. Lawson
J.L.M Curry      Prest of Howard College
H.R. Raymond     Pastor Presbyterian Ch


Montgomery Ala.
February 13th 1868

Bartlett C.C.
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Selma. Ala.

Enclosed please find two vouchers for A B Morris. Teacher at Hamburgh Perry Co. in your Sub. Dist. one for Salary of May 1867 The other for July. The receipts are signed by different persons and the Dis. Off. refuses to pay without explanation.
With proper vouchers this man can receive his pay at once. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
H. W. Bush
Supt of Education

Montgomery Ala
February 14th 1868

Bartlett C.C.
Sub Asst Comr
Selma Ala

[[margin]] 2 [[lett?]]ers recd 11. [[/margin]]
Please find enclosed vouchers for Jay McCondicher for for salary as teacher from Aug 1st to Oct 31st 1867 inclusive 
If proper please sign them and return them to this office, if not please explain and oblige 
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
H W Bush
Supt of Education 

Transcription Notes:
These are letters: and should be transcribed in that form I cannot make out most of the names on page 4. I am not sure about the left side margin of page 5.