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State of Ala. BRF. & A.L. Office of Supt Ed
Montgomery Ala February 14th 1868

Bennett A. W. 
1st Lieut
Sub. Asst. Comr.
Demopolis, Ala

I have the honor to transmit herewith set vouchers (found in my office) for J M Coker for salary as teacher Col'd school at Greensboro Ala. in your Sub Dist. [[?]]. 
If the vouchers are proper and Mr Coker is so employed, have them receipted, sign and ret them to this office. If not please explain
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant 
H W Bush
Supt of Education

State of Alabama B.R.F. & A.L.
Office Supt Education
Montgomery Ala February 14 1868

Smith Robert O.
Sub Asst. Comm.
Opelika Ala

Enclosed please find vouchers in favor of J B Trammel teacher at Fredonia Ala. in your Sub Dist. 
If this man can show that he was employ by Bureau, please sign and return them but if not please state that fact and return vouchers to this office. 
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
H W Bush
Supt Education


State of Ala. BRF and A.L. office Supt of Education
Montgomery Ala. February 17 1868

Smith R. J.
Sub. Asst. Comr
Opelika Ala

I herewith return you vouchers for Mrs. Echols living at Lafayette Chambers Co Ala and who claims to have taught near Auburn Ala and has been paid for all but August salary. She states that she is suffering for the necessaries of life.
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
H W Bush
Supt of Education

State of Ala Bureau Ref. F. & A.L.
Office Supt of Education Montgomery February 17 

Bennett 1st Leiut. A. S.
Sub Asst. Comr
Demopolis, Ala.

Dear sir
Please find enclosed vouchers for Mr. J. B. F. Hill of Eutaw in your Sub. Districts. 
This voucher was 1st sent on form 22 but the Dis. Officer refuses to pay except on form 12, and the authority will have to be taken up and expanded.
Your Obedient Servant
H. M. Bush
Supt of Education