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State of Ala. Bureau Ref F and A.L.
Office Supt of Education Montg'y Feby 18

Badger M. B.
Gainsville, Ala
See Letter. 12.

Dear Sir
Your favor of the 10th inst is at hand. 
Your Vouchers for salary of Aug and Sept 1867 One Hundred Dollars $100.00 are now in hands of Dis Off who will pay as soon as funds arrive for that purpose probably within a week. 
Gov't is not generally issuing transportation to returning teachers, but you can make a full statement of case to the Sub Asst Com Demopolis, who will forward it through proper channels. 
Very Respectfully
H M Bush
Supt of Education 

State of Ala. BRF and AL. office Supt of Education
Montgomery, Ala. February 17 1868 

Smith Miss Carrie E
Selma Ala.

Yours of the 14th is at hand, the only way to obtain transportation money would be on Mr. Cravath's certificate that you were a regular commissioned teacher of the American Miss. association or some other benevolent society. 
Will send books and papers in a few days Godspeed you in your good work. Remember you must send an account both to God and Man for your influence among the ignorant susceptible people where you labor
H M Bush 
Supt of Education 


Montgomery Ala February 18th 1868 

Dalton Geo. O.
Woburn Mass
Letters recd D "1"

Your favor of the 8th inst is at hand and in reply would say that the govt is not at present employing any teachers. 
Benevolent societies at the North furnish the teachers and we have furnished the building thus far but hope soon to turn the whole matter over to a loyal State Govt 
H M Bush
Supt of Education

Montgomery Ala February 18 1868 

Smith. Robert O
Sub Asst Comr 
Opelika  Ala. 

Dear Sir
Enclosed find voucher for rent of school House at Opelika Ala. from June 17 1867 to Jany 31st 1868 
We have no reports from any school in your Sub Dist and can pay no rent for school buildings without such report Form 3 or 4 for teachers furnished from this office.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
H M Bush
Supt of Education 

Transcription Notes:
These are letters and should be transcribed as such 8/17 - all done