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Montgomery Ala. Febry 21 1868

Bartlett Charles C.
Sub Asst Comm
Selma Ala

Dear Sir
Since my conference with you I have endeavored to find - Mr Buckley and his plan for Selma school building but thus far without avail.
The plans in this office range from $4000.00 to $25000.00 at the North and of course are useless for you.
Have you builders there who could present a good plan? If so please confer with them. If not please send me dimensions of lot: and I will forward them north at once.
Very Respectfully
H M Bush; Supt of Education


Montgomery Ala 21st Feb 1868

McGogy James
Sub Asst Com

Dear Sir
The disbursing officer Lt Col Beecher is ready to pay vouchers in proper form to the amount of $2000.00 for repairing the School building at Talladega but you will need to be very carefull to take up and expend all property in accordance with Quartermaster Regulations and orders. 
Hurry up matters as fast as possible 
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
H M Bush
Supt. of Education

Montgomery Ala Feb 21st 1868

Alexander James
Eutaw Ala.

Enclosed find Draft on Mobile. Drawn in your favor and payable to your order. for One Hundred Dollars. being to cancel voucher for seat of building and for Colored School at Eutaw from April 1st to Dec 1st 1867 inclusive
Please acknowledge receipt of same at once
Very Respectfully
H M Bush
Supt of Education
[[note]] Receipt returned to this office March 2nd Filed No. 13, [[/note]]

Transcription Notes:
I am not sure how to signal that the last line is written on top of the text, sideways, please add if you know how.