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[[left margin]] Letter recd  B9 E&M "7" [[/left margin]]
Montgomery Ala Feb 21st 1868

Blair Robert
Sub Assist Comm
Tuscaloosa Ala

A letter from Mr Wm H Beatty with your endorsement of Feb 10th 1868. is at hand. Since its receipt I have been unable to see Mr Buckley but have been to the trouble of consulting the records in the office of the Dis. officer and find that on the 12nd day of Dec 1867 a voucher favor of W H Beatty for rent was paid for $25.00 
This must have been paid to some member of the Convention then dispensing; Please ascertain if Mr Beatty received any money near that time or gave any orders for money.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
H M Bush
Supt of Education 


Montgomery Ala February 2, 1868

Crarth Rev. E. M.
Secty Am. Miss Association
Cincinnati Ohio

Dear Sir 
Your favor of the 10th inst is at hand,
Since my appointment as Sup't of Education I have visited both Selma and Talladega with reference to the appropriations promised for those places and find the schools quite satisfactory.  Although not up to the point of efficiency, which we hope to see them attain.  We saw them however under great disadvantage on account of the extreme cold weather prevailing at the time.  
The Gov't is ready to pay the $2000.00 for repairs at Talladega on vouchers in proper form and certified to by the Sub. Asst Comm at that place; also the $4000.00 promised for Selma on same conditions, and that the usual bond be filed.  The appropriation of $10,000.00 for building at Montgomery, is waiting for deed of lot, and can be made available at any time.
We have plans and specifications for buildings of $14000.00 expense and one for $18000.00 none that approximates the appropriation for Selma.  The records of this office are so unsatisfactory that I am unable to inform you as to the past.  Clint will assure you that we are ready to cooperate to the full extent of our power in the educational world of Alabama. There was a lack of teachers at Selma, and there is something needed here in Mongty [[Montgomery]] for there are 100 pupils who would pay tuition out of schools, for lack of teachers. 
The schools here in some respects are as good as any I have seen and there are some superior teachers here, but there seems to be a lack of that self respect which demands an equal