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Montgomery March 5 1868

Miller H. T. M.
Atlanta. Ga

Yours of the 27th ult is at hand, (referred to me from Gen Hayden,) enclosing vouchers for rent of building at Eufaula from Nov 1 to Feby 29th
The vouchers were approved and passed to hands of Dis Officer Mch 2nd but who is at present absent on his business, immediately on his return I will call his attention to the matter and forward you the result
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servt
H M Bush
Supt of Education

Montgomery Ala March 2nd

Blair Robert
Sub. Asst Comr
Tuscaloosa Ala
L.R.B. 18

Dear Sir
Yours of the 28th ult enclosing letter from Mr Beatty is at hand There are no vouchers in this office for Mr Beatty and the books of Disb. officer show said vouchers paid Some one has collected them. I will call attention of Mr Buckley to your communication the 1st opportunity. No vouchers for Mrs Avery were inclosed as stated.

For prompt payment of rent it will be necessary for you to report all school buildings on your monthly papers and to so state it in your certificate [[?]] voucher Please do so and then need 
by no delay in pay amount hereafter.

No school report from your Sub. Dist for month of January 1868 has yet been recd in this office and we are holding our January Report that your Sub. Dist may be represented. 

Will call Col. Beecher's attention to Mrs Avery's January vouchers and send you the result immediately on his return.

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
H M Banks
Supt of Education

Montgomery Ala March 5th 1868

Bartlett Chas C.
Sub Asst Comm.
Selma Ala
Dear Sir
Enclosed please find draft on Mobile favor J L Hanen, teacher at Prairieville, but supposed at present to be at or near Marion, Ala. Should you be able to find him deliver the within if not please return it to this office and oblige

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
H.M. Bush
Supt of Education

Transcription Notes:
All remaining indecipherable words are cut off due to page photocopying.