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Montgomery Ala March 24 1868
Howard O O
Major General.

My Dear friend
After spending one week at home I proceeded directly to Montgomery and reported at Head Quarters of Bureau.
It affords me pleasure to state that I found matters connected with the Educational Department in much better condition than I had anticipated.  
Capt HM Bush acting Supt Education deserves great credit for putting things in good running order.
He seems To be well acquainted with persons and places in Alabama.
He understands the condition of the schools throughout the state, and the points of special interest and importance.
It would I think be greatly to the interest of the Bureau and in accordance with my wishes to have him continued for a time in connection with my department of the Bureau
With great regard
Yours sincerely
Sgd RD Harper
Supt of Education


Montgomery Ala
March 24 1868

Arthur W.C.
Chief Quarter Master 
Dear Sir
I have the honor to request that a barrel of lime be furnished this department to be used in disinfecting around the buildings used for Colored schools in this city.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Sgd  R.D. Harper
Supt Education

Montgomery Alabama  Mch 25, 1868.
Alvord Rev. J.W.
Chief Superintendent
Dear Sir,
Enclosed please find application of Mrs H.F. Tradewell for reimbursement of transportation.  The disbursing Office at this post informed me that nothing can be done in this case without a special order from the Bureau at Washington.
Mrs. Tradewell is a regularly commissioned Teacher in the service of the A.M. Association at Marion.  She is a very efficient Teacher and is doing good service in the cause.
Permit me to express the hope that in some way she may be reimbursed, at least to the amount which the Bureau would have granted had application been made in form and time.
Respectfully Submitted
R.D. Harper
Supt of Education
State of Alabama