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and return soon as convenient as Ms Hill is very much in need of money

Very Respectfully
R. D. Harper
Supt. Education

Montgomery Ala Mch 30. 1868

Walden Rev. J. M. DD.

Dear Brother,
We need teachers for the Freedmen in Alabama. In this city we can furnish three school buildings & two hundred paying pupils or more. We need teachers all over the state.
As Supt. of Education for the State I write to ask of the Society which you represent can give us any assistance. If you can furnish us any Teachers please state how many & at what points you would desire to have them Employed & how soon they can come. 
I desire very much to secure your assistance in the great work in which we are engaged. 
With great regard
Yours Sincerely
R. D. Harper
Supt. of Education State of Alabama


Montgomery Ala
April 1st 1868

Wavilli Rev Jas S
Secty F.A. Com. Pittsburg Pa.

Dear Brother
We are in pressing need of teachers for the freedmen in my state of Ala. The field is but very partially occupied. We are almost daily in reciept of the most urgent appeals for teachers from different localities.
The Freedmens Bureau as you are doubtless aware is not authorized to employ Teachers,
We are therefore dependent upon benevolent Associations for supply.
I write to ascertain if the Society which you represent can aid us in this matter.
We earnistly [[earnestly]] need and sincerely desire your hearby [[hereby]] cooperation in this great & good work
If you can furnish us any Teachers either for the present year or for the year commencing with October, we will endeavor to arrange everything to your satisfaction  Hoping to receive an early and favorable reply
I am
With Great regard
Yours Sincerely
R D Harper
Supt Education

Transcription Notes:
DD = Doctor Divinity 8/17 - all done